Saturday, November 19, 2011

Worst Types of Coworkers

As reported on this amusing article on (link above), there are a variety of work colleagues we could do without. Below are some of the worst, visit the source if you want to read the rest. This will remind you of "The Office" on TV.

Cube SquattersYou're trying to get work done, and all this person wants to do is keep talking about the weekend in wine country or the sister-in-law who is "sooooo annoying." (Or, like these guys, they're just hanging out in your cube waiting for the pizza to arrive.) Turn your back and—guess what?—still there! What these coworkers lack in powers of observation they more than make up for in boring stories without end.

Miss "That's Not My Dirty SpoonIf we each clean up after ourselves, there will be no messes, right? So what has happened in today's office: Sinks stacked high with dirty dishes, refrigerators containing "food stuffs" from the first Bush administration, and microwaves that look like a set from a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie and smell like a cross between a fish market and wet cat food. (And let's not even get started on bathroom common spaces.)

The Real-Deal Nick BurnsHe's a geek, for sure. And he's arrogant, a tad rude and his breath smells like Doritos and Cherry Coke: He's your company's IT support admin (aka "help desk guy"). But it's 15 minutes until you've got to deliver that PowerPoint presentation to the bosses, and your PC is seized up. "You're so smart, Gene," you say. "Oh, I know," says he.

Dr. ImmunityWalt has never taken one sick day during the 18 years he's been with the company—and he's more than happy to brag about it to anyone who'll listen. However, he's also spread a variety of flu-like illnesses and stomach-borne sicknesses among his coworkers over the years. His nickname? H1-NWalt. "I take my job very seriously," he likes to say.

Mary MegaphoneThey can be in the office right next door or in one all the way down the hall—it doesn't matter: Some coworkers are so freakin' loud and so rarely close their doors that you know more than you'd ever want to about what's going on in their lives: "Hey, Mary, how's that foot fungus of yours doing?" The worst: The
2-hour-long conference calls (on speaker phone) or Friday afternoons when they sing along to "Come On Eileen" and other '80s hits hold tunes. Would it kill them to simply shut their doors? Evidently, yes.


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