Saturday, November 19, 2011

Unusual Animal World Records

As noted on Chicago Now, The Guinness Book of World Records has a number of unusual facts and figures within its pages. Below is a collection of weird animal world records, read the full article here.

World's Smallest DogThe record for the smallest dog (in terms of length) belongs to Heaven Sent Brandy, a tiny Chihuahua who is just 6 inches from nose to tail!

World's Longest WhiskersThe record for the longest whisker on a cat belongs to Missi the Maine Coon. Her whiskers are 7.5 inches!

The World's Highest Jumping PigThe world record for the highest jumping pig belongs to Kotetsu, a pot-bellied pig from Japan. He jumped 27.5 inches to win that record.

World's Faster Window RollerThe fastest time in which a dog has unwound a non-electric car window is 11.34 seconds. The record holder is Striker, a border collie.

World's Longest Rabbit EarsThe record for the world's longest rabbit ears belong to an English Lop called Nipper's Geronimo whose ears are 31.125 inches!


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