Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Weirdest iPhone Apps

There are many more apps available for the iPhone than a single person could download in their lifetime.
With so many apps there are sure to be some strange ones out there.
Chicago Now has put together some of the weirdest apps.

Hold OnHow bored do you have to be?

Annoyance!Besides the hyena, you'll experience these annoying sounds in my house every day - no need to purchase.

iVoodooYour virtual voodoo doll - no one will piss you off again.

iDrunktxtIt's Friday night and you are out on the town, and of course you want to text your friends that are no doubt sitting around thinking about you too. Here is an app to get rid of all that sloppy fumbling around looking through your contacts trying to decide who to txt. Simply set up a couple custom lists of Friday night txt friendly contacts, and you are set to go.

iPee UrinalPlace your two fingers on the footprints to start the stream. you can even aim, plunge and flush.


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