Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Strangest Cat Breeds

Looking for a cat with a little uniqueness about them?
Here are some of the most unusual domestic cat breeds in existence today.
Information sourced from WeirdWorm.

American CurlAt first glance this cat may not seem that unusual but in reality this cat is very unique. His ears curl backward and down which only occurs in this breed of cat. But for a perfect breed the ears can only curl so far, if they curl so much that they touch the skull they are disqualified from shows. This breed was begun in the 1980s but has already gained quite a bit of popularity.

Scottish FoldThis is another cat that is considered to be very unique because of its ears. This cat’s ears do not grow very much from the time the cat is a kitten and they never stand up, rather they fold down at about three weeks of age. This cat is perhaps one of this most adorable that you will ever see because they keep their small ears which makes them look like a kitten throughout their entire life.

Norwegian Forest CatThis unique cat has very long fur which is designed to make it last through the freezing cold winters of Norway. These cats actually accompanied the Vikings as they sailed around the world. They are very loyal to their owners but they need lots of interaction because they are excellent hunters.

MunchkinThis adorable cat is truly unique in that is has very short little legs. These cats were first observed in the 1940s but then they disappeared after the war. They reappeared after two munchkin cats were found in the 1980s and they were bred. Despite their short legs these cats can do everything that normal cats can.

The SphinxThis strange cat is perhaps one of the most popular among strange cat breeds because it has made an appearance in a few movies as the pet of evil villains. If you want a cat that is so ugly it’s cute then the Sphinx is for you!


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