Sunday, November 20, 2011

Worst Robbery Disguises

As reported on Raw Justice, many robbers are by no means masters of disguise. In fact, most of the ones seen below are currently doing time.
The original article can be found here.

Matthew Allan McNelly and Joey Lee Miller are two Iowa burglars who couldn’t come up with ski masks, so they improvised with black magic marker. A man called the police after the pair tried to break into his home and when they were caught there was no hiding their guilt. It was written all over their dumb faces. McNelly was charged with drunk driving and both idiots were charged with attempted burglary.

Conrad Zdzierak wore an elaborate disguise when he went on a bank robbing spree in Ohio. Police say the robber at six bank locations was described as a bald black man with acne scarring on his face. Zdzierak had used an expensive Hollywood-style mask as a disguise. Police acted on a tip and got a search warrant and the jig was up.

A man disguised as a tree tried to rob a bank in New Hampshire. Unbe-leaf-ably, duct-taped tree branches to his head and torso, entered the bank and demanded money from a teller. He was identified by the surveillance footage and arrested.

Two Colorado retards wore women’s thong underwear on their heads in an attempt to disguise themselves while they robbed a convenience store. As it turns out, thongs don’t cover all that much, so they were recognized from the surveillance tape, on which they are seen beating the clerk in the face, breaking her jaw and stealing $100 and some cigarettes.

In Estero, Florida, a man surprised the clerk at a gas station by running in, wearing a mop on his head as a disguise, and demanding money. The cashier stalled him and he eventually just ran away empty-handed.


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