Saturday, November 19, 2011

How To Spot An American

Americans love to travel to other countries.
When they do, the locals can always tell the difference between an American tourist and those from other countries.
Why? This article at sums it up well. Click the link above to read the original article.

Americans Exhibit a Slippery Grasp of Basic GeographyNo, you can not take a boat from Paris to Zurich, and yes, Rome really is somewhat to the south of Oslo.

Americans Use 'the Outdoor Voice' EverywhereSeriously. Pipe down.

Americans and That Multilingual ProblemTwo years of high-school French doesn't make you a linguist.

Americans Want to Drive EverywhereA European trip is a good time to reacquaint yourself with the joys of walking, or to learn (for perhaps the first time) the merits of public transport.

Americans Love Hand SanitizerBelieve it or not, leprosy was mostly eliminated in Europe a long, long time ago, so no need to squirt that stuff on your fingers every time you shake hands. Washing with soap and water before meals and such should suffice to keep your from contracting bubonic plague, or whatever.


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